Monday, June 14, 2010

Many wicked thanks, and murderous things to come....

We're just coming out of a busy weekend full of debauchery and heading into our next wicked endeavors. We'd like to take a moment to thank all of the malcontents who came out to support us at Treacherous Tea this past weekend. It's always nice to see all of our friends and creeps at these events and we appreciate all of you.
We just listed in our Wicked, Little Shoppe on Etsy all of the exclusive creations made for the event that did not find homes, so that those who weren't able to make it can have a piece of the poisonous pie.
We will have the shoppe open until Tuesday, June 22, when we will be pulling all of our oddities and heading to the Waterloo Arts Festival in Cleveland, OH on June 26th. We hope those of our local Ohio creeps will come join us while we bake our dead-pale asses in the June sun and heat peddling our oddities.
So that everyone knows, Atrocity Exhibition is upon us and we depend on you to make these events happen. All of the sales that are coming in are going to be funding this year's event, so your purchases are appreciated now more than ever. With the House fully rolling, we are setting our goal to be able to fund the event entirely from our art sales. Even if you can't afford our pieces, we always appreciate re-posting and spreading the word on our social networking sites. Anything you can do, is always a giant help, and as always, we are forever in our supporters' debt.
Lastly, a special thanks is going out to Andrea Dean Van Scoyoc and Cannibal Rose at Twisted Dreams Magazine for the feature on our Arachnophilia Collection. It was an amazing surprise to see us in print and a million thank yous are in order. Andrea and Cannibal Rose have been an amazing support network and we love them both dearly. Thank you, again and again.
Check out the zine at
Wicked is, as wicked does,
Macabre Noir

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hell-o weirdos!

Dr. M here. We're currently in the studio working... finishing up noose ends.. err.. LOOSE ends in our preparation for Treacherous Tea. We've managed to complete a pretty gruesome batch of new neckwear, all of which will be for sale at our spooky little tea party. Oh, and there'll be free cupcakes. Did we mention that? The recipe was passed down from our dear old Auntie Lucifer.

We're still in the planning stages for the next Atrocity Exhibition, but we [almost certainly] have our theme in mind. We still have a long way to go and a lot to figure out, but this will be another horrific event not to be missed. We're hoping to see some of you who couldn't make it last time! As always, we'll have some wicked talent and grotesque art to make you uneasy.

Miss Macabre is working on another painting as I write this, and we have some other tricks up our sleeves. Back to work! No rest for the wicked, after all.

Until next time, stay sick!
-Dr M.